We are featured in an RI-MUHC Article.
Go have a look! https://rimuhc.ca/en/-/a-new-model-to-facilitate-brain-injury-research-using-mri
We are featured in an RI-MUHC Article.
Go have a look! https://rimuhc.ca/en/-/a-new-model-to-facilitate-brain-injury-research-using-mri
The MGH MRI Research Platform is inviting you to its Speaker Series!
We have organized presentations on various topics related to magnetic resonance imaging. Every first Monday of the month, we invite you to come and listen to a lunchtime presentation.
The talk will be on The Fundamentals of Magnetization Transfer imaging
When: December 12, 2022
Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm
Where: Montreal General Hospital, L7.140 (BRaIN Program conference room)
Our speaker is Christopher Rowley, PhD. Christopher Rowley is a post doctoral researcher at the McConnell Brain Imaging Center at the Neuro at McGill University. He completed his BSc in Medical Physics and his PhD in Neuroscience, both at McMaster University in Hamilton Ontario. His doctoral work with Dr. Nicholas Bock centered around characterizing the cortical microstructure of the brain using MRI. His post doctoral work in the labs of Drs. Christine Tardif and Bruce Pike has focused on developing more specific MR measures for brain myelination, with his most recent work on optimizing inhomogeneous magnetization transfer imaging. |
Magnetization transfer (MT) imaging consists of a category of MRI techniques that are used to indirectly probe the macromolecular content of the brain. These techniques are used widely in the research community to study and characterize the pathological trajectory of many neurological conditions in the brain. This talk will provide an overview of the MT techniques that are commonly used to probe macromolecular content, as well as the biological underpinnings of the acquired image contrast. He will highlight how biophysical modelling can be used to derive more quantitative metrics from a series of acquired MT-weighted images. Finally, he will present how these models can be exploited to derive more myelin-specific biomarkers, such as inhomogeneous magnetization transfer imaging (ihMT).
Since the capacity of the room is limited, we are asking you to RSVP to attend the conference.
A videoconference option may be offered if we have enough requests (see RSVP).
Click here to RSVP
The MGH MRI Research Platform is inviting you to the very first talk of its Speaker Series!
We have organized presentations on various topics related to magnetic resonance imaging. Every first Monday of the month, we invite you to come and listen to a lunchtime presentation.
The first talk will be on The Fundamentals of diffusion magnetic resonance imaging
When: Monday November 7, 2022
Time: 12:00pm-1:00pm
Where: In person, in MGH L7.140 (BRaIN Program conference room)
Our first speaker is Jennifer Campbell, PhD. Jennifer Campbell is a research associate at the McConnell Brain Imaging Centre of the Montreal Neurological Institute, where she works for its former director, Dr. Bruce Pike, who is now based at the University of Calgary. She received an honours bachelor's degree in mathematics and physics at Queen's University before coming to McGill University to complete a master's degree in medical physics and a PhD in biomedical engineering. Her research has covered diffusion MRI acquisition, tractography, and combining diffusion MRI with other MRI contrasts to improve specificity to neuronal microstructural detail such as intercompartmental volume fractions and relative myelin thickness. |
This talk will begin with a description of what diffusion is and how it can be harnessed as an MRI contrast to obtain information about tissue structure. The diverse applications of this contrast mechanism will be briefly reviewed, including clinical applications and the study of disease and healthy tissue. The talk will then focus on how diffusion contrast is generated with MRI and specific MRI techniques and challenges.
Since this is the first talk and with the limited capacity of the room, we are asking you to RSVP to attend the conference.
Click here to RSVP
Getting an MRI can often create anxiety for some patients. Understanding what goes on in your exam can help. This video guides you step-by-step through a typical MRI scan, answering the most common questions MRI patients have.
The RI-MUHC has initiated Phase 4 of its Research Ramp-Up plan as of September 7th.
The RI-MUHC has initiated Phase 3 of its Research Ramp-Up plan as of August 31st.
A very interesting paper was recently published in Nature on the reproducibility of FMRI data. Consult the article here!
The MGH MRI safety training is held every two months. To receive more information or to register for the training, please send an email to mghmri.med@mcgill.ca. You must complete the online theoretical training before attending the MRI safety training.