Shoulder 16-ch

Shoulder 16-ch

Small and large coil


Two 16-channel coils to cover small and large shoulder anatomy for high-resolution imaging.


Features & Benefits

  • Two 16-channel coils to cover small and large shoulder anatomy, – each with 16-channel coil design with 16 integrated preamplifiers
  • For narrow or wide shoulders the coil can be attached at different positions on the base plate
  • iPAT-compatible in all directions
  • Dual-Density Signal Transfer enables ultra-high density coil designs by integrating key RF components into the local coil



  • Excellent visualization of small anatomical structures (e.g. labrum)
  • High SNR and high field homogeneity
  • Reduced slice thickness and measurement times   


* Shoulder Large 16, Shoulder Small 16 (


29 June 2020


Siemens Coils


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